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Drilling Rig Training III

The Drilling Rig Training III course involves complex practical training modules intended for workers involved in offshore drilling operations carried out on rigs/drill floors.

Training involves performing practical exercises in HSE issues, the use of work orders, work permits, communication, coordination of work on the drill floor, task allocation and delegation of responsibility (own and others).

The course involves active use of the Troll A derrick at Mongstad. Course content includes the following:

Legislation (PSA/NOG), operational components linked to the derrick, tie replacement, distinguishing between different types of slip and the verification of correct slips; communications, HSE, task allocation, management, falling objects, the use of man-riders, pipe handling, hydraulics roughnecks, manual rig tongs, Kelly cock, hazards, the use of elevators, alarm signals, kick drill, time/efficiency, operation and maintenance, and chiksan swivel joints.


Teaching takes place over 5 x 2 days on the derricks located at Mongstad. Your instructors have wide-ranging and extensive experience from the oil industry, and employ similar procedures in their day-to-day work. Participants will receive a certificate including a course description.

Start-up and duration:

You can register using the course calendar or by sending an e-mail request.

The course is scheduled over 5 x 2 days (09:00 to 15:00).

Register by sending a request to kontakt@bexas.net 

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