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Flange work - Refresher course


Course calender with avalible seats

About the course:

This course is based on the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association's manual ' 118 - Guide to Flange Work' (Håndbok i flensearbeid) and is designed to provide knowledge of the preliminary work, planning, execution and documentation associated with assembling flanges using tensioning bolts fitted to flange connections on high-pressure hydrocarbon process systems.


4 hours

Target group:

Mechanics, industrial plumbers, process technicians, supervisors, planners, apprentices, as well as skilled technicians employed by contractors to perform new installations and maintenance on pressure tanks, heat exchangers, valves and pipes (process installations) involving flange assemblies and braces.


Candidates must have passed the approved 22.5 hour course in Flange Work (NOG 118).


48 months


Register here or send a request to: kontakt@bexas.net

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