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NS EN 1591-4 :2013

OLF training for flanges (NOG/OLF guideline 118) has since the late 90ties focused only on procedures used on production facilities on platforms, not drilling modules and subsea structures. It includes P&ID drawings, spring support and documentation from Norsok L 001, L004 and L005. EN 1591-4 Also have matrixes for the design of fittings and connections used in the OLF training program

(OLF 120 Fittings and small bore tubing)

N 1591-4

Qualification of personnel competency in the assembly of the bolted connections of critical service pressurized systems

Published on 31st August 2013 this European Standard applies to all personnel who dismantle, assemble and tighten bolted joints on pressurized systems in critical service.

Modular training matrixes are detailed within this standard and an evaluation process to determine competence to be included:

EN 1591-4 Matrix

1. Foundation Level (Manual torque tightening)

2. Hydraulic tension tightening

3. Hydraulic torque tightening

4. Heat exchangers & pressure vessels

5. Flanges made of brittle materials

6. Bolt load measurement

7. Compact flanges

8. Clamp connectors

9. Special connectors

10. Small bore tubing connections

11. Responsible Engineer


EN 1591-4. Pt. 8.1 states that the relevant syllabus shall include as a minimum all pressurized bolted connections types that will be encountered by the bolting technicians when they return to their work site. Any additional topics added to the mandatory minimum syllabi shall be listed on the syllabus information supporting any certificate awarded.

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