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Drilling and Well Engineering

Drilling and Well Engineering

Drilling course (BRT) with practical training on a derrick.

A UNIQUE opportunity to attend a course involving practical training. Well engineering is an intensive, interdisciplinary course concluding with public examinations intended for personnel wishing to acquire skills in working on an offshore oil rig. A completed course and examination provide candidates with certification as part of the skills requirements set out by the NOG (Norwegian Oil and Gas Association) for jobs in offshore drilling and well operations. This course includes practical training on the derrick used on the Troll A platform, now installed at Mongstad.


Teaching takes place in tailored classrooms installed with equipment from offshore installations. Our instructors have extensive experience and good pedagogical skills. The instructors work actively in the offshore industry and apply the course subject matter in their day-to-day work. You will have the opportunity to experience drilling operations in real-life situations involving plant and equipment used offshore. The course is based on individual study projects as well as teaching.


Courses run during two semesters starting on 15 September and 15 January, involving weekend gatherings from 09:00 to 17:00, and evening sessions from 16:00 to 20:00 until December.

Our customers:

All the major companies operating on the Norwegian Shelf contract us as a training provider for their employees. We receive excellent feedback regarding our courses.


Candidates are solely responsible for registering for examinations via the website privatistweb.no. Examinations are held in local schools.
Associated examinations include BRT 2001 (Exploration, drilling, completion), BRT 2002 (Production and

workovers), BRT 2003 (HESQ) and the BRT 2004 Interdisciplinary examination.


NOK 25,000

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